If I could do it, there is no excuse for any one not to.  I joined and rejoined 5 times since the age of 12.  I was the most successful at the 4th attempt.  I lost 80 pounds in 1975.  I gained back 50 pounds by 1983, and re-joined for the 5th and 'last time' in January 1984.  I lost the 50 pounds by August '84, and became the Washington DC area's only male group leader at that time.

I work hard to keep the weight off.  We can not do it alone.  I need the ongoing support and love from my wife Lori, my daughter Rachel, and the Weight Watchers members who attend my classes.  I am not cured, only maintaining my goal weight. 

I share the secrets of my success as a Group Leader --

When I enter a meeting room I never, ever, forget what it felt like to enter the meeting room 80 pounds ago.  I give everything I've got at every meeting I lead.  My members recognize this, and tell me so.  I am thankful.

I am not perfect.  There is no halo over my head.  I am here to share my successes, challenges, and strategies, so my Weight Watchers friends can achieve their Winning Outcome, too.

The only difference between me and the Weight Watchers member sitting in class is that I have reached goal weight before them.  I am facilitating their support system as they work towards their 10% difference and Winning Outcome.

I am there to learn from my members.  The hallmark of the Weight Watchers program is the group meeting experience.  If we could have done it alone.... we would have done it by now.  We go to meetings.  We laugh a lot and enjoy the process.  We walk out of each meeting feeling better than when we walked in.

This support site is dedicated to the hundreds of Weight Watchers members who attend weekly meetings.  Lifetime members, Weight Watchers who are maintaining their weight loss, and members feeling the 10% difference, will find a special recognition at this site, at the Real Successes! link on the main page.

I plan to keep this site updated regularly.  Enjoy the site.  Give me your feedback by simply clicking the e-mail icons throughout the site.  Support WayneWatcher and breast
cancer research with a donation through PayPal or check at Support links on this site

Remember...  Go to your meeting this week.  I will see you there.  Thanks for stopping in.

Why is everyone going to Wayne's Weight Watchers meeting this week?  Hear what members say...

Welcome to WayneWatcher.com.   I am Wayne Muhlstein, a Weight Watchers group leader based in Northern Virginia.  I've lost 80 pounds on the Weight Watchers program, and I am keeping if off for over 17 years.